National Laboratory Partnerships at CU Boulder

Through partnerships with national laboratories, the University of Colorado Boulder's internationally-recognized researchers leverage state-of-the-art tools, unique expertise, and other resources to conduct impactful science across a wide range of fields and disciplines and train the workforce of the future.

Upcoming Events

Friday, September 20, 2024 @ 9 a.m.—4:30 p.m.

Sandia National Laboratories individuals will be on campus for a day full of events and multiple options for interacting. Please hold Friday, September 20 as we finalize the schedule.

Register Now

Friday, September 27, 2024 @ 9 a.m.—4:30 p.m.

NASA individuals will be on campus for a day full of events and multiple options for interacting. Please hold Friday, September 27 as we finalize the schedule.

Register Now


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  Search Faculty Experts 

Research and expertise across CU Boulder.


  Research Institutes 

Our 12 research institutes conduct more than half of
the sponsored research at CU Boulder.

  Research Centers 

More than 75 research centers span the campus,
covering a broad range of topics.

  Research Computing 

A carefully integrated cyberinfrastructure supports CU Boulder research.