Research Security Training

The NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance, released in January 2022, requires any institution receiving over $50 million in federal research funding to establish a Research Security Program. A key component of this program includes training on research security. CU Boulder offers three online courses that focus on various aspects of research security. 

Understanding Restricted Research

Research agreements come with varying levels of restrictions shaped by the funding source, data involved, focus areas, terms and conditions, and many other factors. It is important to know the specific restrictions that apply to each project and to educate project personnel and administration to ensure compliance with federal, sponsor and institutional requirements and guidelines. 

The graphic below demonstrates how requirements governing research can become increasingly restrictive depending on the type of information or technology involved. The expandables below provide details on each level of restriction.

Restricted research landscape

The image above is a spectrum from the least restrictive to the most restrictive research landscape depending on the classification of information involved. Read the expandable items next to the image to learn more about each data classification affects the regulatory environment.

Levels of Restrictions

Fundamental Research is generally understood to be "basic or applied research in science and engineering, the results of which are ordinarily published and shared broadly within the scientific community.” In order to qualify as Fundamental Research, the researchers must be free to publish the results and there must be no national security or proprietary restrictions on who can participate in the research. 

It is critical to note that the Fundamental Research Exclusion will be lost if a researcher agrees to any “side-deals” allowing sponsors the ability to review and approve publications or to control access to the project or project results. Loss of the Fundamental Research Exclusion can quickly put your research in jeopardy of non-compliance with export controls.

Fundamental research is governed by the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) or the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR - 48 CFR).

The University of Colorado uses the following guidance to identify and protect Confidential Information:

Sponsors and collaborators may identify additional data they consider confidential or proprietary, which will require specific protections. 

In addition to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) or FAR (48 CFR), Confidential Information may be governed by additional institutional policies (see link above), the terms and conditions of an award, sponsor guidelines or an NDA//DTUA/MTA. 

The University of Colorado uses the following guidance to identify and protect Highly Confidential Information:

*Note: Export controlled information and CUI fall into CU's Highly Confidential Information category, but they are regulated further at the federal level

In addition to the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200) or FAR (48 CFR), Highly Confidential Information may be governed by additional institutional policies (see link above), the terms and conditions of an award, sponsor guidelines or an NDA//DTUA/MTA. 



Visit the Office of Export Controls webpages to learn more about identifying and protecting export controlled information.

Export controlled information is governed by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) codified in 22 CFR 120-130 and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) codified in 15 CFR 730-774 .

Information that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and federal policies, but is not classified. The obligation to determine whether or not an award will involve CUI belongs to the federal sponsor; award documents should specifically identify CUI and applicable security requirements. 

Visit the Research Security - Cybersecurity & CUI to learn more about CUI.

Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) is governed by 32 CFR 2002 and Executive Order 13556.

Classified research is any research that bears a security classification from the federal government, such as top secret, secret, or confidential. Classified research restricts some or all of the results, procedures, and personnel working on the project under rules established by the agency for which the research is being conducted.

Classified information is governed by the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) codified in 32 CFR 117 and Executive Order 13526.

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